Jim Scheihing of Insure It Forward Health Insurance in Oklahoma City

Jim Scheihing,  Agent

Christian Health Share Plans

What are Christian Health Share Plans?

Founded on biblical principles, Christian health sharing plans often refer to the directive given in Galatians 6:2 that Christians are to "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."  Some also reference Acts 2:44-45 which says, "all the believers were together and had everything in common" and "they gave to anyone who had a need.

Christian health share plans are also known as health care sharing plans and are offered by only 5 Health Sharing Ministries, they are NOT Christian Insurance Companies.  The do no use actuaries, accept risk or guarantee to pay claims. 

Christian Health Share plans are associations that help facilitate the sharing of medical costs among groups of like-minded individuals and families who have common religious/ethical beliefs.  Participants in the Christian Health Share plans are not subject to the tax penalties under ObamaCare for those who did not have compliant coverage. 

The Christian Health Share plans are gaining in popularity because of the penalty exemption and the monthly cost is generally considerably lower than marketplace insurance plans. 

How Long Have Christian HealthShare Plans Been Around?

Health cost sharing plans have been around for over 25 years and billions of dollars of healthcare needs have been shared by fellow believers.  The Christian Health Share plans welcome members of all denominations who can honor a Statement of Beliefs based on biblical morals and principles on which they were established.  Health Sharing plans can be a great alternative to traditional health insurance and as mentioned before are exempt from tax penalties.  

Is a Christian Health Sharing Plan Right for Me?

With health insurance premiums increasing and the continued decrease in coverage provided for those premiums, may find themselves desperately seeking a viable alternative.  A Health Sharing plan may be just the solution for those individuals.  With many affordable plan options it's possible to find a good fit for most people with no serious pre-existing health conditions.  Another benefit of the Christian Health Share plan is there are no specific enrollment periods, you can enroll any time of year.  If  you think a Health Share plan may be a fit for you or would just like more information please give us a call.   We are happy to help.  405-585-0648

Having a good Insurance Agent to rely on doesn't cost you anything and In Return;

  • You get better information
  • You're more likely to find a "best fit" plan.
  • Save more because of that fit.
  • Have more all around benefits.
  • Be more on top of the insurance game as changes come... and they will.

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The Elite badge; The highest designation by HealthCare.gov  to  top agents  who serve their community.  “Agents are there for people in the community,” said Kevin Counihan, Marketplace CEO.  “They help people get the coverage they need for their families, where they need it.”